Great series of Supplier data challenge 30′ seminars
Stephany Lapierre, Tealbook CEO, managed to organize a serie of seven 30’ sessions with bright minds of our industry to discuss about Supplier Data. 7 themes, 7 speakers, 7 experiences, 7 30’ sessions of intelligence about Supplier data
Why ?
- Because Garbagge in, garbagge out and software requires clean data to function properly,
- Because clean Supplier data are the only valid fuel for Procurement team to achieve high level goals and effective digital transformation,
- Because Procurement since too long into software solutions that promise efficiency, transparency and savings. But Procurement teams are still struggling;
- no confidence in the quality of supplier data,
- no mechanism in place to improve it over time
- and Procurement teams seem to believe that Software Suite or Platforms will cure fundamental data issues.
Schedule & Guests
- The Supplier Data Problem, Observations from the Industry
Wednesday March 25th at 5pm CET with Stephany Lapierre, Tealbook CEO - The Current State of supplier data
April 1st at 5pm CET with Chris Sawchuk, Hackett Group, Global Procurement leader - The Future State of supplier data
April 8th at 5pm with Dr. Elouise Epstein, Kearney, Vice President - The Future of Supplier Data is NOW!
April 15th at 5pm CET with Walter Charles, Allergan, Chief Procurement Officer - The Importance of Leading Transformations with Data vs Technology
April 22nd at 5pm CET with Tim Herrod, FCL, Global Procurement Executive - The Foundation has a Name
April 29th with 5pm with Matt Palackdharry, Tealbook, Vice President - The Power of Autonomous Data Enrichment
May 6th at 5pm CET with Geoff Peddle, Tealbook, Chief Technical Officer - Supercharge Your Investment
May 13th at 5pm CET with Stephany Lapierre, Tealbook, CEO
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