ZEI, digitising the ESG process for a positive and measurable impact
While many of us are sorry to see that ESG is often nothing more than a collection of charters and labels, small-scale audits or ratings from well-meaning black boxes, we were surprised to see that a new wind is blowing, once again, from French Tech with the ESG 2.0 proposed by the Marseille-based editor ZEI and its eponymous platform.
“We want to move from a ESG rating that is not very transformative, to a ESG that measures the concrete impact of a company’s offering on the environment and society.”
The creation of ZEI in 2016 in the Phocaean city by Noël Bauza is not just an entrepreneurial adventure, it is an honest and deep commitment to the future of generations to come. You only have to listen to his 2017 TED talk to understand that, for him, the digitalisation of a measurable ESG approach is a citizen service, a vital necessity supported in 2020 by financial partners securing the future of the company for future clients.
Would you also like to have an impact on our future? On your employer brand? On the commitment of your Suppliers?
The ZEI Platform, a CSR YUKA, provides support for the ESG approach with its three pillars “evaluate and measure, pilot and progress, federate and consolidate” in the service of your CSR action, thus assisting the excellent craft work of consulting firms and your CSR managers.
Automated configuration to move from intention to action
The configuration of the Platform is entirely automated from the registration questionnaire on the Platform. The Matrix, created thanks to the business and technical skills of the ZEI teams, integrates your choice of ESG reference frameworks, business models, the size and activity of your company, the choice of your issues and indicators, allowing the algorithms to adapt the proposed model to reflect what is important for the company and what is measurable and achievable.
Measurable and detailed results avoiding the black box effect
The heart of the ZEI Platform, this 175-axis modelable Matrix generating 2.5 million potential models, allowing for ultra-customisation and even proposing KPI’s and action plans, offers an excellent user experience, detailed reports and indicators avoiding the black box effect.
Doing and letting people know : Communicating your actions:
The availability of data for Source to Pay software, Marketplaces, ERP’s and CRM’s will make it a competitor to the famous ECOVADIS for Purchasing Departments concerned about the health of the ecosystem at their disposal.
The communication of indicators is an asset of the ZEI Platform since, among other modes, it is possible to share the detailed results by QR Code, on your internet portals or on social networks for those who have an employer branding policy.
For the Purchasing Function, the Supplier community to animate, engage and federate.
In a clever way, existing companies can be brought together in a circle, a personalised ecosystem managed by Purchasing in order to follow my Suppliers, to animate the community, to share progress.
Why did I like ZEI? What to remember?
ZEI ESG 2.0 supports the actions of internal and external teams. It is not just another label, but rather the management of an approach based on standardised reference frameworks, with not a grade but measurable and detailed scores, validated or not, allowing the impact of the CSR programme to be carried out, measured and communicated transparently.
Contact : Noël Bauza (ou Marion Le Gal)
Lectori salutem, Patrick